salt and vinegar chick peas

I’ve shared with you before about how much I love chick peas (garbonzo beans) and that they are a perfect snack when dieting.  Ever since my journey with South Beach began I’ve made the same roasted chick peas recipe.  I love that recipe and have never felt the need to try my chick peas any other way until I saw this salt and vinegar chick peas recipe on Pinterest.  I’m all about some salt and vinegar chips but those are not really diet-friendly.  I decided to give these a try and see if they would be a good substitute.

I won’t make you wait until the end of the post to find out…

They are delicious and a great substitute for salt and vinegar chips!

you need chick peas, white vinegar, oil, and salt

rinse the chick peas

put them in a pot with the vinegar, bring to a boil, then remove from the heat and let sit for 30 minutes

then drain off the vinegar and put the chick peas in a baking pan

pour on the oil and sprinkle with salt

bake them

but not too long like I did!

Recipe (adapted from here)


  • 1 can chick peas (garbanzo beans)
  • white vinegar – approximately 1.5 cups
  • oil (I use canola) – approximately 1 TBSP
  • salt, to taste


Rinse chick peas thoroughly.  Put chick peas in a pot/sauce pan and cover with vinegar (I think I used about 1.5 cups – as long as all the chick peas are covered they’ll be fine).  Turn the eye on high and bring the vinegar to a boil.  Once it starts boiling, remove the pan from the hot eye and let it sit for 30 minutes.  Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 425 degrees F.  After the chick peas have sat in the vinegar, drain the vinegar off the chick peas.  Pour peas into a baking pan.  Drizzle oil over chick peas and shake or stir to make sure they are coated.  Sprinkle salt on the chick peas to your liking.  Bake the chick peas for 30-35 minutes (be sure to keep an eye on them so they don’t burn like my first batch did!).  Give the chick peas a shake or stir halfway through the baking so they don’t stick.

Be careful – they can be addicting!

These are fine for South Beach Phase 1.

12 responses

  1. Pingback: South Beach Phase 1 food plan {Works for Me Wednesday} | Chocolate Moments

  2. I’m making these for football today! The guys are going to love them. I’ve been obsessed with roasted chickpeas lately and the lemony flavors have been my favorite. I cannot believe I never thought of salt and vinegar! Yummy.

  3. What a wonderful idea! I came across your blog thru Works for Me Wednesday. I think I am going to try this recipe, it definitely a good alternative to chips! I love kale chips too!!

    I’d love to invite you to share this post over at Healthy 2day Wednesdays this week, until Saturday afternoon. (and every week that you have a post that would work!) Have a blessed Wednesday & week!

  4. We eat a primal”ish” / paleo “ish” type of a diet and this is exactly why (the ish part LOL) ….they don’t eat legumes and I LOVE them!

    I have a bag of dried chickpeas in my pantry (I think) I will definitely be trying this soon. YUMMMOLA!

  5. Pingback: Menu Plan Monday: At Peace with Food | Quick and Easy Cheap and Healthy

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